Looking good in the heat
1. Material is number 1
The absolute number one summer material in both shirts and suits is without any doubt linen and the second I would say… linen. Linen is very lightweight and it is truly a fantastic material; it actually keeps you cold when it’s hot out and warm when it’s cold. It should be worn a little wrinkled so it will always look good on you. Also an oxford shirt in cotton would breathe a little more. Fabrics that breathe will help you to stay cool.

2. Choose a light colour
Light colours reflect the light and heat, while dark colours absorb it. So even if you think it’s really cool – and it is – to wear black you migh want to consider a lighter colour for the hot summer day. A white or beige suit can be really fly.
3. Wear an undershirt
An ordinary T-shirt under your shirt will help you to hide that sometimes inevitable perspiration. A T-shirt, yes, not a sleeveless tank top – it’s the pits you want to help. But remember that a black or white T-shirt will show through. For example grey is better. It’s the same trick that women use with their underwear not to show throgh their skirt or pants…

4. Get a jacket or suit without lining
Precisely. Especially polyester lining could make you feel hot. Be summer dapper and skip the lining or get a delicate lining.
5. Loosen up
Have you seen someone in the desert wear tight garments? There is a reason for that; it’s loose, not tight. A bedouin garment can even be worn black. You want more air to flow over the skin, so why not skip the extra skinny fit for that very hot summer day and still look smart? It’s about airflow.
6. Socks
If you are casual – and I repeat – only if you are casual you might want to use the no-show socks and the pants a little rolled up. No socks at all is a complete style disaster and is not even worth discussing. Either way, make sure that your socks are in breathable fabrics, that is at least 85% cotton, preferably 100%. A new material is bamboo. It has many natural qualities.
7. The hat
Oh, yes, the gentleman knows that a hat doesn’t only look elegant – the stylish headwear protects you from the sun. Linen Caps, panamas, straw fedoras…. the choices are many and I recommend that you invest a little time in finding a stylish headwear.

8. More
There are always several tricks you can use that have been tried out by gentlemen for many, many years. A hankerchief serves not only to whipe the tears of a maiden in need, but also cleaning off sweat. Bring a change of clothes if the day is long and dont forget a nice after shave.